Mangala Shri Bhuti - The Link

Is Samsara Fair? (Link #628)



Speaker: Dungse Jampal Norbu. Fairness seems to be a contemporary ideal that does not clearly appear in the Dharma. It refers largely to what is reasonable or equal. But what arises is governed by karmic theory, the nature of the vast web of interdependence, not by fairness. Fairness is usually a view from the standpoint of self-importance. The fact that samsara is not fair calls us to examine when we are caught in attachment to our ideas of fairness and self-importance. We have a great future ahead of us as practitioners when we apply the Dharma to our sufferings in samsara, applying the views of karma, interdependence, emptiness, the Four Immeasurables, and so on. Being motivated by bodhicitta is a far better approach than being motivated by fairness.