Lets Ask The Angels!

Angel Messages for October 17th to 23rd: Angels of Healing



Welcome to my show  Let's Ask the Angels on Blogtalk Radio! The next live show is October 17th Monday at 4pm ET. Call in to listen or ask a question for a mini reading. 424-675-6837. I am your host, Barbara Calvano, Angel  Intuitive and Life Coach of  https://bcalvanocoaching.com I will be sharing the  angelic guidance for October 17th to 23rd from the NEW Sword of Light Oracle by Radleigh Valentine. To book a personal session with me  go to SERVICES on https://bcalvanocoaching.com Purchase your session and I will contact you to set up a convenient time and date. By phone, Skype, Facetime, Zoom and  in person bcalvano-coaching@usa.net Follow me  here on Blogtalk radio Let's Ask the Angels and on IG at   bkiddcalvano   Barbara Kidd Calvano