Breathe Better, Sleep Better, Live Better Podcast

How To Sleep: The Ultimate Guide To Getting The Sleep You Need: 1700s vs. 2022



The instruction manual for how to sleep in the 1700s vs. 2022 (partial satire). If you wanted to go to sleep in the 1700s, this is what you do: Lie down in bed Close your eyes. In 2022, this is what you’re told to do, and there are 24 steps: Avoid snacks or food 3-4 hours before bedtime No screens 3-4 hours before bedtime Cover all windows and lights in the bedroom Make the room slightly cooler Use the bed for sleep and sex only. Go to bed and wake up at same time every night Sleep for 7-8 hours No alcohol before bed 9. No coffee 6 hours before bedtime If you can’t fall asleep within 30 minutes, get out of bed and read in dim (incandescent) light until drowsy Take hot bath 20 minutes before bedtime Address any nasal congestion (air purifier for allergies, breathe right strips, nasal saline irrigation) Allergy-proof your bedroom (no rugs/carpeting, allergy sheets, and bedding, HEPA filter) Brush your teeth and wash your face Eat a high-fat meal 3-4 hours before bedtime. Consider the Keto or Carnivore diet w