Unspoiled! Orphan Black

Orphan Black, S04E03- Stigmata Of Progress



Maggie and I are here with the next episode of Orphan Black, the one where the police finally show up at the Hendrix's front door because of a pile of dead Portuguese. OOPS!Truthfully, while I would love for Helena to get away with the massacre scot-free (because fuck those people amirite) I'm also pleased that this is coming back to bite them a little bit. Can't have our people pulling off mass-murders and just getting away with it, or else they'd all want to do it! There have to be stakes, right? Speaking of stakes, this thing in Sarah's cheek is giving me a little too much in that area. I just can't handle how nervous I am while she's in that damned dentist's chair, and they insist on showing us that damn video of the tendrils over and over again to just keep it fresh in my mind how horrific her death would be. I knew that Nurse Ratchet over here wouldn't succeed in getting it out, but I allowed myself a sliver of hope that she'd manage it just because the whole thing has me so damn on edge. There's actual