Unspoiled! Orphan Black

Orphan Black, S04E07- The Antisocialism Of Sex



Hi there, you beautiful people! Maggie and I are back to talk about the horrible aftermath of the hit on Kendall, and what a downward spiral so many of the clone club seem to be on.Poor Sarah was hoping for some forgiveness from Siobhan, but instead she gets a whole dose of blame and is basically disowned. It's a truly awful scene, and it's completely unsurprising that Sarah goes off on a bender the way she does. If Neolution are interested in nabbing her, now would have been an excellent time if it weren't for Fe finally stepping in and saving her from herself.Meanwhile, Cosima is on the edge of a breakdown both from being at the shooting and finding out that Delphine is dead. She is so flipped about the fact that there's no cure that she's about to actually insert the damn maggot bot from Sarah's face into her own cheek, until Fe manages to save her too.And let's not forget what happened at the Hendrix's place! Donny is in the middle of hosting a charming birthday party with his emotionally-panicked wife, w