Pro Church Podcast With Brady Shearer

The Collapse Of Curation, 10 Questions You Must Answer For Every Church Event, & Stream-Sharing Software



Send in your question via text to 1-800-485-3139. Question #1 (01:22): What are the ten questions you need to answer about an event as you prepare to communicate it? Question #2 (10:19): Why are you title-ing your videos almost like a sentence? I've noticed a few others doing it on YouTube as well. Question #3 (24:18): What are your thoughts on stream-sharing software? Where people opt in to share a live stream from the weekend service on their own social media, as if they were the ones live? So, different than just sharing the service, in that it indicates they are live themselves. Question #4 (29:09): What's your workflow/workday look like?