Rainier Valley Church - Seattle

1 Timothy "Spiritual & Natural Family" (1 Tim 5:1-8)



Announcements New Time and New Location - Rainier Valley Church is now located at 6020 Beacon Ave S and gathers on Sundays at 4pm for worship and 5:30 for dinner together. Fall-Kick Off - Sunday, September 25th. Mark your Calendars for our Fall BBQ kick-off event. Ice Breaker Questions What were your thoughts and impressions on the new time and location for Rainier Valley Church? Now that our church is gathering at 4pm on Sundays, how will we create new patterns of rest, worship and fellowship on the Lord's Day? How does the move to Beacon Hill give us new opportunities? (carpools, CG brunch, bringing food for dinner, hanging out afterwards at a local restaurant?) Loving One Another (1 Tim 5:1-2) - What are practical ways that we can honor older men and women and fulfill the command of Romans 13:7 to “show honor to whom honor is owed” within our church family? How can we live-out the Biblical call to treat young men and women as our own brothers and sisters? Why does Paul go out of his way to command Timothy