Rainier Valley Church - Seattle

1 Timothy Godly & Worldly Women (1 Tim 5:9-16)



Announcements 9.4.2022 2022-2023 Bible Reading Challenge Join us Monday, September 5, as we kick off reading through the entire Old Testament together this academic year! (Thanks to Pastor @Steve Pratt for putting this together for us!) We will have copies of the Bible Reading Challenge on the welcome table, and we’ve also posted the PDF online so you can print it yourself at home. We need God's Word daily, and we need the entirety of Scripture to shape our hearts and minds. No designated reading on Sundays—come to RVC to gather together & receive the Word. Catch-Up Days are included! If you are all caught up, choose your own Scripture to read. Fall behind? No problem! Start at any time and you’re “caught up." You don't have to check every box. Just read today's chapters. Fall Kick-off BBQ on Sunday, September 25th Put on a note on your calendar that we’re planning our official Fall Kick-Off on Sunday, September 25th We’re planning to have a BBQ, rent a Bounce House and invite the surrounding community. I