Rainier Valley Church - Seattle

Grace Beneath the Waves (Jonah 2:1-10)



"Grace Beneath the Waves" Jonah Week #2 Text: Jonah 1:17–2:10 Topic: Prayer, Salvation, Listening, Obeying Big Idea of the Message: When Jonah literally hits rock bottom, God rescues him and redirects his thoughts and actions. Application Point: God can hear your prayer, save you, and create space for you to listen to and obey him, even when you are at your lowest point. Discussion Questions: What is one thing that stood out to you from this week’s message? Tell us about the worst day of your life. How was God present with you when you were at your lowest point? What purpose does prayer serve in difficult times? Salvation Belongs to the Lord. What things has God done to redirect your life toward his purpose? How can we pray for you this week?