Robin Hood Radio Interviews

Marshall Miles Interviews Dr. Edward Kavle: Closing of Maternity at Sharon Hospital and Nuvance’s Lack of Commitment to Local Primary Care



Dr. Edward Kavle talks with Marshall Miles about a number of subjects related to the closing of maternity at Sharon Hospital and Nuvance's and lack of commitment to primary care in the local area. Specifically. talking about the risks to mothers and babies if the unit closes in terms of travel times and the rural nature of the area and the varieties of populations served. Also talking about the national trend of large health conglomerates closing rural maternity “profit centers” (not patient care centers) and the fact that these centers are not losing money in general but instead not making enough. Also talking about the trend for these hospitals to seek highest reimbursement services above all. ABOUT SAVE SHARON HOSPITAL In September 2021, Nuvance Health, the corporate owner of Sharon Hospital, announced plans to close Labor and Delivery and make cuts to the Surgical Department and the Intensive Care Unit within the next year. Our community needs these vital healthcare services to remai