Robin Hood Radio Interviews

Marshall Miles Interviews-Dr. David Kurish: Nuvance Transformation Plan For Sharon Hospital



Quote from Republican American "Dr. David Kurish, who has had a private practice in Sharon for 40 years, said Nuvance has not done a good job of recruiting physicians, nor has it been transparent about its finances. When Hirko spoke of plans for increasing telemedicine programs, Kurish said, “People don’t want that; they want doctors.” Quote from Save Sharon Hospital Facebook page Nuvance Health, the multi-pronged bi-state health hydra, seems to have precipitated a major showdown about the future of Sharon Hospital with the late September announcement of its “transformation” plan. More than just maternity services are slated for possible elimination. According to Dr. David Kurish, Nuvance plans to do away with the hospital’s intensive care unit or ICU, aiming to replace it with an intermediate level care medical-surgical and telemetry team called a “progressive care unit” (PCU). Terminating either obstetrics or ICU services is subject to approval from the Connecticut Office of Health Strategy (OHS).