Pro Church Podcast With Brady Shearer

Online Prayer Tools, Expressions Of Church, & Starting A Media Team



Send in your question via text to 1-800-485-3139. Question #1 (07:18): Given the way church tends to be slow to change and often operates ineffectively in the west, do you think "church" is still a meaningful expression of the gospel or is there a more effective expression Christians should be doing? What gives you hope/keeps you rooting for the church? Question #2 (21:32): When starting a production/media team, what is your main focus? Developing talent or full proof systems? Question #3 (25:15): I’m part of a charismatic church, what’s the best way to handle prayer for the online part of the Sunday gathering? Question #4 (40:52): You are clearly an avid sports fan. What moment solidified your fandom and what was your favorite game of any sport?