House Fluent Radio

Is Being A Real Estate Agent Dangerous?



The House Fluent Podcast is back. We are going to kick off the infamous return with a short interview for Realtor Safety Month. Bill Mueller is a veteran of the martial arts and self defense community with over 45 years of experience training and teaching others. He is also a licensed Real Estate Agent in the DFW area and has decided to combine his talents to help others.With surprising statistics on the rise when it comes to how at risk Real Estate Agents really are. According to the "2020 National Association of Realtors, Realtor Safety Report" ( , 31 percent of REALTORS® reported feeling unsafe during an open house and showings. 27 percent felt unsafe while meeting a new client for the first time at a secluded location/property. An additional 27 percent felt unsafe after receiving a threatening or inappropriate email, text message, phone call, or voicemail.To combat this Bill has developed 12 principles t