Let Go & Lead With Maril Macdonald

Niven Postma | Mastering Office Politics: The Critical Leadership Skill



In this episode of Let Go & Lead, business leader, writer and speaker Niven Postma speaks with Maril about the importance of recognizing and navigating office politics. She and Maril talk about Niven’s journey toward focusing on office politics — one which, ironically enough, began with her getting fired — and proceed into a wide-ranging conversation about the balancing acts of leadership. They discuss the “tough empathy” that leaders must find, what it takes to get politically smart in the workplace and how Niven’s ideas sync with Gagen’s Three Things that Change Everything framework. Learn about: Niven and Maril explore… 13:51 The difference between Control and Controls (social 1) 17:55 Balancing control and letting go 18:29 Tough empathy: compassion + accountability 20:47 How to build mutual commitment 29:04 Why political intelligence is as critical as EQ & IQ (social 2) 33:59 How leaders contribute to office politics 38:59 Office politics in a remote/hybrid world Niven Postma has held executive po