Talking With Painters

Ep 132: Jacqui Stockdale and ‘Heads of the Family’



Jacqui Stockdale is a previous podcast guest . I asked her back onto the show after I saw a series of moving portraits she posted on Instagram.  Her stepfather, George Stirling, was nearing the end of his life and Jacqui was painting the portraits of family and friends who were visiting over that difficult time. George passed away in June.  The works were swiftly painted alla prima, mostly in one sitting from life or an iPhone image, and the resulting group of over twenty portraits is titled 'Heads of the Family'. In this episode Jacqui talks with me about the experience of painting those works which include a self-portrait and portrayals of George from life. Jacqui’s work crosses many disciplines which defy description spanning from painting, sculpture, photography, collage and performance and her imagery includes portrayals of Ned Kelly, lots of masks, naked figures and horses heads. She has painted the portrait throughout her career and in 2018 was one of only twenty artists to be  commissioned by the