Sack Heads Radio Show

Someone Else Made This Show Happen! (Replay from 7/20/2012) - Jul 26,2012



Replay of our Weekly Show from 7/20/2012 with Andrea Kaye. Make sure you listen tomorrow night (7/27/2012) as we interview Candidate Karen Harrington running for the 23rd Congressional Seat in Florida against Debbie Wasserman-Shultz. Thanks for listening This week, Andrea Kaye, Co-Host, Becker & Kaye AM 1450 &1510 in San Diego joins us to discuss The Aurora Colorado shooting, and the politicizing of the tragedy. Almost on cue, the main stream media starts the anti-gun rhetoric to capitalize on the incident. We also will President Obama's Statement of ?If you've got a business — you didn't build that", and how that speech was tested by Elizabeth Warren in 2011. We dissect the true meaning of his words, and what he actually said to small business. All of that, and we took callers too. Have a listen and enjoy! Then, as if having Andrea on is not enough, we have a HUGE announcement! I mean, BIG TIME (for us)! DO NOT MISS THIS SHOW! Check our webpage at, Like us on face