Sack Heads Radio Show

Candidate Joe Kaufman (R) from Florida's 23rd - Aug 17,2012



This week, we stay with Florida's 23rd Congressional District, and speak with Republican Candidate Joe Kaufman. We are pleased to have another candidate from the district joining us, and we will cover everything we can in the interview and really get to know Joe. With the primary in Florida right around the corner, the race is in full swing, and Florida's 23rd will have to choose who is going to run against Debbie Wasserman-Shultz, the incumbent and chair of the DNC. This race is not only important to the 23rd, but to the nation. Also, Mitt Romney announces his VP running mate, we discuss on the show. Finally, super PAC...the double standard. And, as always (really? always?), a few other topics and the usual "Sack Head" snarky conversations, we will see you Friday Night,August 10 at 11:30. Check our webpage at, Like us on facebook or twitter @sackheads!