Sack Heads Radio Show

Wait! MLK was a Republican? What? - Aug 18,2012



Well, we didn't stick to script, AGAIN. Let's see; we didn't discuss the lawsuit with Congress and DOJ, and we didn't quite get to the Dream Act either. Oh well. We did discuss The Romney-Ryan ticket, Libertarians and the Tea Party. We also touched on the RNC and Ron Paul Delegates. Then, It was time for Professor Clint to hold class. This weeks class: How the Democrats have hijacked the Civil Rights Movement from the Republicans, and we have Uncle Joe Biden to thank for that discussion. Oh, and bonus time...Clint loses it on a caller who had no facts, didn't listen, but called anyway to tell us we were wrong. Finally, we end with another call and the housing market crash. What in the hell happened? Who's in charge? Really? All that and two visits from everyone's favorite grumpy old man, Rooster from Check our webpage at, Like us on facebook or twitter @sackheads!