Sack Heads Radio Show

Beauty and the Beast with Andrea Kaye and Rooster - Aug 25,2012



(Formerly titled "*Caution* this MAYBE After Dark Material!") This week We were all over the road and beating a few dead horses (Now PETA is after us). And After a minor technical glitch, we actually got to the show. We discussed Rep. Charlie Rangle's statement against V.P. Uncle Joe saying that Uncle Joe "was stupid". Then, we got the audio back to normal (normal for us) and got to work. Andrea Kaye graced us with her phone call as we discussed this article by Rooster at www.conservative regarding Mitt Romney. Oh, and we shared our opinion on Rep. Aikin "Legitimate Rape" comment! Then, what would a show be without Rooster calling in? I don't have an answer, but the result was the Sack Heads Radio Square Table Discussion on that article. It went on and on...and on before we covered this article about the Tea Party being named specifically as a "target" for a military college training scenario. Oh, and Andrea gives us the reason Rep. Ryan may cause women all over the country to do something dirty, l