Sack Heads Radio Show

The RNC Wrap up show - Sep 01,2012



(*Caution* harsh language snuck into the show this week, and a minor audio issue as well) Welcome to the Friday night fiasco! We start off with a Ron Paul Delegate calling to to explain why Ron Paul supporters should support a Romney/Ryan ticket! Then, Shaun and Clint (no, not Eastwood) cover the RNC! We will discuss the high point, things we liked and things we, well didn't like. Also, is California passing a last minute bill to pass a bill to amend the Disabilities Act to limit lawsuits for certain violations? We will monitor and break it if it happens Last, if you had a disabled child, and your school district would not allow him to say his name the only way he knows how would you react? Political Correctness and stupidity at its finest. And, we unload on the district. Join us NEXT Friday, the 7th at our NEW time, 7 pm PT/10 pm ET. Check our webpage at, Like us on facebook or twitter @sackheads!