Sack Heads Radio Show

Obama Gets Lost, Lands In Israel - Mar 23,2013



And he Asks "Bibi" for directions....oh, and they Discuss Israel. A Philadelphia doctor is being charged with 8 counts of murder for performing late term abortions, we will probably get angry here. The Senate pushes to remove a part of Obamacare, is this the beginning of defunding it piece by piece? Also, Sen. Reid says they will not put the Assault Weapon ban on the Gun Control bill. With all that, how can there be more? There is! You'll have to listen! Welcome to the Sack Heads Radio Show! Live from studio 1 (unless your listening to the podcast, then it was recorded live, but not actually get it). Each week we rip into politics, news and current events. Has the government gone to far? Are your rights being attacked? Out of control world leaders? We got it covered. With a sharp tongue and occasional potty humor, we strive to keep the facts straight, and pick up where Main Stream Media ignores or hides. This isn't you parents conservative talk show, this is the Sack Heads Radio Show!