Sack Heads Radio Show

The Liberal School of Thought - Apr 06,2013



So, tonights show highlighted the education system, and the liberal agenda being pushed therein. First, however, we discussed California Senate Bill 1172 the bill that would take more parental rights away from parents, and open a door to making pedophiles a protected class in the State. Then, we spoke with the California President of Sons of Liberty to discuss their April 19th even "No Liberty No Peace Ride" in California. Listen to our show, or see for more information. And back to "education" we went. We shared to a clip by MSNBC's contributor. discussing how YOUR kids belong to the community, not the parents or family. After a break, Ken from The Exceptional Conservative Show called in to discuss a a potential newly single mother of two in the Washington DC area. This, after the President makes a statement about California A.G. Kamal Harris. Oh, and Jay Carney's amazing non response to direct questioning about it. Finally, Vern called in to bring us the Slapshot News. This week had s