Sack Heads Radio Show

Heroes Among Us - May 02,2013



(Replay)Topics 1. Gender Neutral Bathrooms in California Schools? 2. State Department and A.G. Holder, want to streamline amnesty on one hand, but deny immigrants who complete the process correctly admission on the other. Why? They are German criminals (well, not criminals, they home school their kids). Holder also made a comment against Home School and civil rights...ya...he is still the A.G. somehow. 3. A.M.M.O. congress is finally asking the questions many of us have for a while (not that MSM would), why does Homeland Security use and buy ammunition than the military. 4. The Philadelphia Abortion Trial and other cases MSM have swept under the Progressive Rug. 5. (Head Line) We discuss amazing acts of heroism from the Boston Marathon Bombings. We talk a little about the memorial service for MIT Police Off. Sean Collier and the beautiful gesture by the Somerville Massachusetts Police Department. The we discuss the citizen heroes, Doctors, NFL stars, Firefighters to a 53 year old Dad. Heroes are what made thi