Sack Heads Radio Show

State of the U...gotta be kidding! - Jan 30,2014



Tonight, we will discuss the State of the Union given by by President Obama last evening. The ups, downs and what the hells? we have it all. Also, they got Obama care passed, now, liberals are using that as a lynchpin to immigrations? a new commercial in California that is asking to extend Obamacare to illegals. Finally, we will talk Farm Bills and all the other "legislation: that is being considered in Congress. Welcome to the Sack Heads Radio Show! Live from studio 1 (unless you're listening to the podcast, then it was recorded live, but not actually get it). Each week we rip into politics, news and current events. Has the government gone too far? Are your rights being attacked? Out of control world leaders? We got it covered. With a sharp tongue and occasional potty humor, we strive to keep the facts straight, and pick up where Main Stream Media ignores or hides. This isn't your parent's conservative talk show; this is the Sack Heads Radio. ?Conservative Kick Ass?