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YOU ARE LISTENING TO EPISODE 387 Cheryl White author of Restoration - Faith, Process, Manifestation. $15.00 Paperback – June 30, 2015Cheryl White is the senior servant of the Praying Wives and Technology Ministries at Truth and Life Family Worship Center in Baltimore, MD where she and her husband Winslow serve under the awesome leadership of Pastor Darryl K. Ham and 1st Lady Allegra Ham.Cheryl is founder of G.A.P.P ministries where the focus is geared towards empowering men/women to pray without ceasing for transformation of their lives into God’s will and to allow the Lord to have His perfect work in each one of them. She has an anointing on her life to minister to women that nothing is too hard for the Lord and with God all things are possible.Cheryl emphasizes to all women the importance of speaking and decreeing God’s word and that His Word will not return back to Him void but that they must speak what God says regarding all situations and circumstances.Cheryl’s desire is to see all women walk in their Go