Mondays With Mike And Marty

Episode #20 - Lets Talk About Supplements!



Episode #20...what better way to celebrate a huge episode, but to talk about a huge topic in the health industry...supplements!! What supplements to take, which ones we think might be bullshit, which ones we think are actually pretty damn good! If you have been thinking about taking a certain supplement, take a listen to this episode as there is a ton of valuable knowledge you can take away from it. Also, thank you to Sail Away Coffee for the always delicious nitro brews! Without you we'd be fast asleep! Don't forget you can get 10% off your order on anything you order when you use code KETOMM If you like what you hear at the end of this episode, do us a favor, take two seconds, and drop a 5-star review on iTunes. Also, don't forget to subscribe to all of our channels, whether it be on your favorite podcast listening app (itunes, google play, soudcloud), or on YouTube. iTunes page - YouTube -