Who Killed Theresa?

The Strange Death of the Twin Gynecologists Stewart and Cyril Marcus - WKT5 #17



rom a 10th floor locked apartment at 460 E. 63d St. and York Ave. in New York City, discovered the bodies of Dr. Cyril Marcus and his twin brother, Dr. Stewart Marcus. As first reported in the New York Daily News, Cyril was lying face down on the bed in a pair of shorts. Stewart's body was found on the floor in another room near and identical matching bed, lying face up and completely naked. The handyman told police the place was disheveled, with large amounts of cash scattered throughout the apartment (this later turned out to amount to approximately 22 dollars) though there were no signs of a struggle. One of the armchairs was covered in human excrement. There were conflicting reports of both brothers living in the posh Upper East Side apartment, but the doorman said it was Cyril's place and only he lived there. For more information visit the website: https://theresaallore.com/2021/10/16/the-strange-death-of-the-twin-gynecologists-stewart-and-cyril-marcus-wkt5-17/