Who Killed Theresa?

Requiem Pour Un Oiseau - The Killing of André Vassard / WKT5 #19



A hot summer night in small-town Quebec with nothing to do but hang out in the local square. 16-year-old Andre Vassard is huddled with friends, talking the talk of teenagers. It's Friday, July 28, 1972. Maybe they're discussing School's Out, the Alice Cooper record had recently been released, perfectly expressing the frenetic comradery of 70s teen rebellion. Across the square, constable Andre Goulet suddenly emerges from the Ste. Therese police station. Goulet is a rookie, he has served less than two years with the municipal force. When Goulet approaches the teens, Vassard flees down the main drag, then hurdles a fence into a back lot. According to police reports, constable Goulet fired a warning shot into the air. Then while attempting to scale the same fence, Goulet's gun accidentally discharged, shooting 16-year-old Andre Vassard in the head, and killing him instantly. For more information visit the website: https://theresaallore.com/2021/11/13/requiem-pour-un-oiseau-the-killing-of-andre-vassard-wkt5-19/