Who Killed Theresa?

Bang-Bang Knock-Knock - The Rock Forest Massacre Part 3/ WKT5 #22



llets from an UZI submachine gun, wounding Jean-Paul Beaumont and killing Serge Beaudoin who died four hours later in a Sherbrooke hospital. We pick up after the coroner's process, the trial, and inquiry by the Quebec Police Commission. The three Sherbrooke police officers in question, Dion, Castonguay and Salvail were recommended for demotion for their actions, but kept their jobs, some were even promoted. The family of Serge Beaudoin took legal action, but never saw a penny in restitution. No one sent flowers or said they were sorry.For more information please visit the website: https://theresaallore.com/2021/12/25/bang-bang-knock-knock-the-rock-forest-massacre-part-3/