Purposeful Leadership

A Purposeful Life- the Career Track



Hello Purpose Friends!This installment of Purposeful Leadership introduces you to Charles. Someone perhaps like you who has discovered their Life's Core Purpose, gone through the FREE Coaching #1 session and understands how his two words work together. BUT he ALSO wants to know, perhaps just like you, Can Life's Core Purpose help me with my career?OF COURSE! Since work is a MAJOR part of life, CAREER is the first place we started with innovation of LCP! If you've already joined our community and found your Life's Core Purpose just return to the "members area", click on the drop-down MEDIA at the top of the page, click on Video Members Only. Scroll down to see Career Track Member offer!Need to discover your LCP? www.lifescorepurpose.com Press FIND YOURS, then press GET STARTED. This will get you your Life's Core Purpose and you will also get your first COACHING SESSION for FREE. PLUS you'll see a members only PROMO code for The Career Track which is FIVE videos on how to use your LCP to find a compan