Aging Greatfully With Holley Kelley

Relationship Healing Through Love & Aging GreatFULLy" with Dr. Erica Goodstone!



Dr. Erica Goodstone, Love Mentor and Relationship Healer, is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Marriage Therapist, and Certified Sex Therapist who combines her counseling with body oriented psychotherapy. Her unique methods evolved from her training in combining talk with gentle, respectful touch as a Certified Rubenfeld Synergist, Licensed Massage Therapist and Board Certified Personal/Life and Health/Wellness Coach. Former Professor of Health and Physical Education for over two decades at FIT/State University of New York, Dr. Erica taught about yoga, meditation, wellness, the mind-body-spirit connection, human sexuality and holistic health decades before health awareness became more mainstream. Dr. Erica helps her clients create and reawaken their love, healing capacity, sexual passion, and intimate connection. Feeling accepted, appreciated, and acknowledged for their own unique and special gifts, her clients are able to finally make wise love and healing choices. For those already in a committed relat