Aging Greatfully With Holley Kelley

Aging GreatFULLy with the Aging Parent Expert, Rhonda Caudell!"



Rhonda Caudell, The Aging Parent Expert, helps working adults who are overwhelmed with the added sense of responsibility and concern of their aging parents well-being. Adults who work with Rhonda are able to overcome their aging parents' resistance to ideas of help by discovering a new parent/child relationship shift and way of communicating.Rhonda loves to help them feel assured and confident as their relationship takes on a new dimension which guides their actions and decisions. They gain peace of mind in knowing they are making the right decisions for their parents and regain their time and energy to focus on their life, kids, and career.Her expertise is based on over 20 years working directly with seniors arranging and managing their care as their Nurse Geriatric Care Manager. Divine inspiration lead her to transition her expertise to helping working adults with aging parents and for many kids of their own as well.She has been through this journey before with both parents and a step-Mom experiencing how