Aging Greatfully With Holley Kelley

Give Long and Prosper Go-Giver Style! with author John David Mann



You’ve heard it’s better to give than receive and this show will certainly bring that lesson powerfully home, Go-Giver Style! Aging GreatFULLy welcomes back New York Times Bestselling author, John David Mann. John is best known as the co-creator, with his friend Bob Burg, of the beloved Go-Giver series. First published a decade ago, The Go-Giver has sold nearly a million copies in two dozen languages. It won the 2008 Axiom Business Book Award Gold Medal, and last year was awarded with the prestigious Living Now Book Award’s Evergreen Medal, given for the book’s contribution to positive global change. Two sequels followed, Go-Givers Sell More in 2010 and The Go-Giver Leader in 2016 and this spring these three will be joined by a fourth a go-giver parable whose wisdom is imparted, in part, by two special four-legged friends.John will share the five laws of stratospheric success traits for prosperity and transcendence of personal and professional growth. The Go-Giver goals are straightforward: to inspire ent