Aging Greatfully With Holley Kelley

Astonishing Aging Innovations & Biological Breakthroughs!



What if you could live forever? What if when you died, you could be brought back to life? Or, if cancer could simply be reversed or changed? And what if spinal cord injuries could be self-healed? Today’s Aging GreatFULLy show is a deep dive into the exploration of biological science and incredible discoveries on the brink of unfolding with guest, Ira Pastor, CEO of Bioquark, Inc.. Bioquark focuses on three R’s Regeneration, Reversion and Rejuvenation. By looking to back to nature, Bioquark is uncovering and exploring complex forms of regenerative biology to create novel therapeutics for human regeneration and disease reversion. We will be talking everything from terminal lucidity, how the mind can experience a gain in function and know things it never learned and even explore the many fascinating studies documented in literature on reincarnation and instances where children recite perfect recollections of another previous life. Have you experienced an after-death communication? We will take a deeper dive into