Aging Greatfully With Holley Kelley

Finding ur Spiritual Compass 2 Age GreatFULLy N a Material World



Join us on Aging GreatFULLy for an enlivening conversation on how to find balance between your spiritual goals and aspirations and the material things in our lives. Our guest, Author of Living a Spiritual Life in a Material World: Four Keys to Fulfillment and Balance, Anna Gatmon, PhD. offers guidance on the material-spiritual split facing much of our culture. She shares that people have an intrinsic longing to lead meaningful, purposeful lives and contribute to making the world a better place and can do so while also leading a materially gratifying life. In this power-packed hour, Gatmon uncovers the gateway to balance and fulfillment allowing us to use our compass to navigate spiritual-material balanced direction. If you are seeking more understanding to personal spirituality or awareness, join us on this dynamic power-hour of enlightenment with host Holley Kelley / Latter-Life Planning Institute! To learn more about Gatmon’s work or to purchase her book, you can visit her at