Aging Greatfully With Holley Kelley

Six Steps to a Longer, Healthier Life with Cathy Richards



We talk often on the Aging GreatFULLy show about seizing the second side of life with excitement and vitality! We don’t want to get stuck in limbo – we’d rather play the game – as host, Holley Kelley shares in her opening remarks. But this week, our guest brings to mind an all-important question, will you be fit or frail at age 85? The answer could certainly impact our Aging GreatFULLy goals and aspirations! Join us as we welcome Lifestyle and Wellness Strategist and Speaker, Cathy Richards, M.A., to offer motivation to get started (or res-started, if need be!) with healthier habits so we can not only enjoy life but experience LIVING!Cathy Richards is an exercise physiologist, wellness coach and bestselling author of BOOM: Six Steps to a Longer, Healthier Life. She spent eight years being surrounded by 1200 people with the average age of 85 and she shares her intriguing observations with multi-generations to maximize physical health, brain function, and energy levels for all ages. Her message is inspiring an