Aging Greatfully With Holley Kelley

Understanding the Changing Brain with Teepa Snow



Have you searched for a word and wondered “Why can’t I remember that?!” You’re not alone!Tune into this Aging GreatFULLy power-hour of enlightYOUment as we welcome one of the world’s leading educators on brain change and advocates for anyone living with dementia, Teepa Snow, MS, OTR/L, FAOTA, to the show! Teepa is an occupational therapist with more than forty years of rich and varied clinical and academic experience. Her company, Positive Approach to Care (PAC), was founded in 2007 and is now collaborating to improve dementia care in more than thirty countries worldwide.Author of the new release book, Understanding the Changing Brain: A Positive Approach to Dementia Care, Teepa helps anyone interested in the topic understand what is happening in the brain and how our response to those changes can create distress or even lead to more successful interactions. This book is a wonderful tool for anyone struggling to understand just what exactly is happening to their loved one with dementia. In this fun and educat