Aging Greatfully With Holley Kelley

Eat Your Words with Isabel Chiara



This week we explore how to reframe our understanding of past challenges and use those experiences to identify positive new ways to navigate forward more empowered because of them! We welcome Isabel Chiara, creator of the “Life Actualization Process,” a guide, mentor, and leader, who brings with her a powerful message, “Your obstacles are working for you!” Isabel is also the author of the new released book, Eat Your Words, a narrative, semi-autobiographical exploration, full of life-lessons and experiences transforming self-destructive behavior into self-compassionate dialogue and ways to better understand how inherited trauma can influence our tendency to use food or other external substances for placation. Chiara shares why women are especially good at creating Food-Abusive relationships and even her historic abuse of her own physical nutritional fluctuations. Isabel also reveals how we can transform addiction through slow steps of self-compassion, the importance of self-care, gut instinct, and even imagina