Aging Greatfully With Holley Kelley

Empty Nest Full Pockets with Matt Meline Sr., CFP®



We've all heard of Empty Nest and for some, even held some anxiety about what it may entail. Unknowns can feel uncomfortable. In this Aging GreatFULLy power-hour of enlightYOUment, we discover the beauty of filling life and that nest with bounteous dreams and perhaps even lining your pockets. We welcome author Matt Meline Sr., CFP®, Founder and CEO of PrairieFire Wealth Planning, who joins us to share not only his 30 years’ experience in the financial services field, but also how he's helped thousands of people focus on their dreams and values and how he faced his own Empty Nest journey. It was after experiencing that, he decided to write a book to help prepare others for the emotional and financial experiences ahead. He understood that empty nest was a life cross road and he wanted to be a symbolic flag holder, showing others which roads to take, sharing a road map and guide book as they navigated the journey ahead. He takes them on a fun road trip rich with tips, wisdom, and experience from one whose been