

We are back!!  For the next few episodes, I will be bringing on people who I have known for quite a while to discuss the seasons of life & entrepreneurship based on their path to location independence. Today I get the esteemed pleasure to talk with NatNJodie from House Sitting Academy who are some of my oldest and dearest friends that I have made since starting my own entrepreneurial journey. We are discussing what their current season of life entails, how they got there, and what is happening next. This is a look at the honest truth about the location indie lifestyle and how it progresses and morphs throughout our lives (aka seasons). What season is your life currently in? Let us know over on Instagram! Guest Bio NatnJodie started their full-time traveling lifestyle in 2013 with just $300USD to their name, with no credit, no savings, and no real income source, after losing everything in a business startup in Dubai.    Over the past 9.5 years, they have reduced their travel costs primarily by house sittin