Adp: Col. Kevin Randle (ret), Phd

Kevin Randle Interviews - JOHN GREENWALD and TONY BRAGALIA - The Roswell UFO Debris Debate (Part 2)



Tony Bragalia is a long-time investigator into the UFO phenomenon. He has spent years chasing the story of a “memory metal” that was recovered at the Roswell UFO crash site. He has found scientists at the Battelle Institute who had worked on a similar project and believes that the inspiration was the metal found on the Roswell debris field in 1947. This led him to make Freedom of Information requests to various agencies including the Pentagon. The result was a number of documents, all classified at the lowest level, that Tony believed was an admission that the Pentagon and the federal government had crash recovered debris. He announced it on his website.Tony says that he goes where others have not gone in his search for the truth. Because he is not affiliated with any group or organization and self-funds all his work, he is free to make what he terms as bold and uncensored reports. He has been featured in books and magazine articles and has only recently began appearing on radio shows.John Greenewald began h