Pro Church Podcast With Brady Shearer

The Central Hub, Facebook Groups, & Handing Out Pamphlets



Send in your question via text to 1-800-485-3139. Question #1 (03:00): In your opinion, what is the best way to be in communication with your church? Text, social media, emails, apps, your own website. etc.? Is there any way to simplify communication? Question #2 (14:33): Our church has a main Facebook page, but we are multi-site and so we also have a Facebook group for each campus. I've not heard any conversations on if you would differentiate the communication coming out in the different groups or if you would make them similar.  Thoughts? Question #3 (19:48): Any thoughts on items to hand out at a town fair type of event? Something that people will not be quick to throw away and even fun for kids? Question #4 (25:38): What is the best hot dog?