Brand Yourself

208: How to Market Your First Online Course with Annie McDonnell



Welcome back to the show! Today I’m joined by listener Annie McDonnell for a live coaching session. As you’ll hear, Annie is an acupuncturist and sound therapist. Who is working on her first digital course to support people in the thick of grief - and she feels uncertain marketing it effectively online. In this episode, we examine: Her current subscriber list, social media following, and website
 Her target audience and how this course offers them an attractive solution And map out:
 The best way to craft her messaging so that it attracts her potential customers
 Her marketing efforts via email, social media, and the frequency in which she shares So, if you’re stepping into launch mode, this is a great episode to listen to!   And if you want to be coached live on a future episode, just go to to submit your request!   Follow Me On: Facebook Instagram