Cary Chan




第二十七章善行无辙迹,善言无瑕谪;善数不用筹策;善闭无关楗,而不可开,善结无绳约,而不可解。是以圣人常善救人,故无弃人;常善救物,故无弃物,是谓袭明。故善人者,不善人之师;不善人者,善人之资。不贵其师,不爱其资,虽智大迷,是谓要妙。 不贵其师,不爱其资,虽智大迷,是谓要妙。 Chapter 27A good traveler has no fixed plansand is not intent upon arriving.A good artist lets his intuitionlead him wherever it wants.A good scientist has freed himself of conceptsand keeps his mind open to what is.Thus the Master is available to all peopleand doesn't reject anyone.He is ready to use all situationsand doesn't waste anything.This is called embodying the light.What is a good man but a bad man's teacher?What is a bad man but a good man's job?If you don't understand this, you will get lost,however intelligent you are.It is the great secret.