Naples Community Church's Podcast

Get Along for God's Sake



August 28, 2022 Preparation for Worship Time for Gathering Opening Hymn “Fairest Lord Jesus” Fairest Lord Jesus Ruler of all nature O Thou of God and man the Son Thee will I cherish Thee will I honor Thou my soul's glory joy and crown Fair are the meadows fairer still the woodlands Robed in the blooming garb of spring Jesus is fairer Jesus is purer Who makes the woeful heart to sing Fair is the sunshine fairer still the moonlight And all the twinkling starry host Jesus shines brighter Jesus shines purer Than all the angels heav'n can boast Beautiful Saviour Lord of all the nations Son of God and Son of Man Glory and honor praise adoration Now and forevermore be Thine Prayer of Praise Song of Worship Prayers of the Church and the Prayer of our Lord Offering and Doxology Scripture Lesson Psalm 133 Page 474 Sermon Get Along for God’s Sake Closing Hymn “They’ll Know We Are Christians by Our Love” We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord And we pray that all