# 017 - THE TWO HATS



On this episode, we sit down for a LONGGGG conversation with "The Two Hats" aka Yoyi and Frizko. We start from the beginning of their careers; throwing block parties in their neighborhood to infiltrating South Beach nightlife at a young age, all the way to opening and running their own bar. We dive into how nightlife transformed in Miami throughout their time and how they were able to constantly shift and foresee new trends. We also speak about their brief stint on television while still maintaining their passion to produce parties and events for people to have some genuine fun. Follow us on Instagram @miaradio/ @djka5 / @djzea - #MIARadio miasounds.com djka5.com djzea.com Send questions, feedback, request, or edits to miamiradio305@gmail.com Thank you guys for all the support! Make sure to download, subscribe, and review!