#035 - Mr.Eats305 EATS ALL OF MIAMI



On this episode, we sit down with George Arango aka @Mr.Eats305 to talk about one of our favorite things to do in Miami.....EAT! We talk on his transition from DJing frequently to becoming one of the most popular foodies and influencers in Miami. He explains his process and method behind what spots he checks out and chooses to post. And of course, he breaks down some of the best places to eat in Miami and recommends some hidden gems in the city. We mention A LOT of places from all areas and all types of food so make sure to have your notepad out! linktr.ee/Mr.Eats305 Follow us on Instagram @miaradio/ @djka5 / @djzea - #MIARadio miasounds.com djka5.com djzea.com Send questions, feedback, request, or edits to miamiradio305@gmail.com Thank you guys for all the support! Make sure to download, subscribe, and review!