Secrets Of Organ Playing Podcast

SOPP688: The main problem with being an organist is that you usually can't practice at home because most people don't own organs and even so...probably not a pipe organ!



This question was sent by Rita, and she writes: I am learning a lot from your episodes. I am a trained pianist but also play organ. The main problem with being an organist is that you usually can't practice at home because most people don't own organs and even so...probably not a pipe organ! There are many true organists that utilize all the stops and use both feet seamlessly. Because I now play on 4 different organs… I want to give the listeners/participants the best experience. My suggestion is to focus on the easiest registrations… easiest way of just knowing how to prepare for playing the quickest and easiest way. Practice makes perfect so my goal is to gain access to my 4 churches and devote practice time to each organ. Thank you again for your helpful lessons! Find out more at!