Running: A Fever

RAF320: Could Have Eaten



We have been experiencing a bit of a heat wave here in Northwest Arkansas, many consecutive 3-digit temperature days. Sunny days are nice, but at those temperatures, no one should be outside, and the electric bills skyrocket with the air conditioning constantly running all day. One of the things on my long-term to-do list is getting some shade trees planted. I planted some privacy trees a couple of years ago, but they will never be tall enough to provide shade. Long-term to-do list is a nice way of saying things I continually procrastinate. So I mainly just don't go out in these temperatures, but even if it gets down to the chilly 80s, and I'm talking Fahrenheit here, for you people in Europe and any other places where you use Celsius as a temperature scale. In that case, it would be somewhere around 25-30 degrees. Even if it gets that cool, the advice here is good, drink plenty of water, wear loose clothing, and dog tags may help too, so if you die of heat exhaustion, whoever finds you will know where to sen