Running: A Fever

RAF319: The Foot Bone is Connected



Yeah, my body, bones, tendons, and muscles are kind of a mess right now. Interesting that the archery bow image was used back then. My podiatrist used this when he explained the fascitis that I started experiencing as soon as the cast came off my ankle. There's a song about the foot bone being connected to the leg bone etc. And it really is all connected. So the very tight Achilles tendon I had could have been taking pressure off the fascia, which is a ligament that runs along the bottom of the foot from the heel to the toes and forms the arch. Now that there's more play in my Achilles, I'm feeling the tightness of that ligament, which is probably what is causing the pain on the bottom of my heels. Whew! Yeah. So I still think flexibility is key, and I even sort of made a pact with a friend to get into yoga or something. History repeats itself if I don't learn from it. Those annoying old sayings are old for a reason. There's truth there. And the truth is what we seek. Read the full post at http://RunningAFEVE